Wednesday 1 June 2011

Design between heaven and earth

 The former Kruisheren cloister, dating from the fifteenth century, is located in the centre of Maastricht, The Netherlands. Together with the monumental gothic church, this complex has been transformed into an awesome designer hotel. Isn't the modern tunnel-like entrance amazing?

And how much do I want a wine cellar similar to the one shown at the very end of this post?! My neighbour P. here in Paris has a very sizeable wine cellar in the beautiful medieval caves he recently renovated and which I totally plan on taking over one day.

This is what I call a well-stocked wine cellar...

 EDIT: I forgot to include this lovely image of the libary housed in the former church above the wine bar.


  1. Oh, how extraordinary, Anna! Thanks for transporting me. And if only I had a cellar like that ☺. J x

  2. The Stylish House encompasses all the wonderful things in the Interior Design world. It includes creative living and lifestyle topics from a fun and practical point.Are you in love with the Sixties as I am? Look at this amazing house in the style of Sixties' glamour! The house is called Camelot.

  3. Wow! It is amazing how modern and classical styles blend in creating a completely new style. I love mixture of new and old and this hotel is a perfect example of it!


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