Monday 14 February 2011

German Impressions VI

Good morning, dear readers! Today I'll present a triple (!) feature in honour of Valentines Day where we share the love with those we love. Recently, I returned to Hamburg, Germany and I explored some of the fantastic design offerings (including the new Gerhart Richter exhibit at the museum Bucerius Forum).

First, Die Wohngeschwister, design market par excellence (in an old piano factory no less):

Second, Octopus, a furniture shop with great (and reasonably priced) furniture:

And third, we managed to squeeze in a trip to a German fleamarket:

 I want 'em all!

Last, as a bonus, a few more impressions of Hamburg, Germany for you to enjoy:

 I heart bikes

All photos: European Chic

1 comment:

  1. Oh, squeal, Anna! Hamburg is one of my favourite German cities - it's so pretty, sophisticated and has the harbour. I particularly loved the first photo. Ah, one day...J x


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