Sunday 23 October 2011

Colour punch!

There are lots of things I like about this welcoming house in Southern Sweden. The Norwegian cast iron stove is a real focal point, the well placed punches of bright colours liven up the space and the happy mix of retro and fleamarket furnitures are cosy without being too sweet. 

Lately, I've seen a couple of spaces with bright yellow doors. Is this an emerging trend? Would you paint your front door yellow?

All photos: Marie Claire Maison


  1. If I lived in the bush I may paint my front door's a moot point atm as I have a glass front door..but where I live, probably not, I think perhaps naturally wood or blue or white. Have a lovely week.

  2. Heavens no, Anna! It's the colour I loathe the most ☺. J x

  3. Love the white canvas interior with punches of strong color. It's definitely a picker-upper.


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