Friday 19 August 2011

Anthropologie style

Today the delectable Eileen R. of easelart from Toronto, Canada is guest blogging about the Anthropologie style in North America. Eileen is a careful European Chic reader and figured how much I like Anthropologie (even if the closest one for me living in Paris is in London).

Since we saw the Anthropologie store in London here I thought, as a guest, I might show one in my hometown, Toronto, Canada. I think Anthropologie has hit on a style that’s quite adaptable for many places both European and North American. They always give me loads of ideas and not just about fashion. I don’t mean to single out a particular store and be an ad for them but Anthropologie are good at creating a certain look.

 I keep meaning to buy some of their letters for my home office.


    It looks a bit like an antiques store.
I thought instead of looking at the clothes, I would look at how things are displayed and also the new line of furniture. I bet you can’t wait to get some of this in the rest of Europe. Or maybe it’s something you see more readily elsewhere in other shops and at markets and can wait. In North America where new is usually more prized over the old, it’s nice to see vintage items or furniture inspired by vintage pieces.
An old cupboard with its doors off is used for another display.

There are even live plants used for displays. 
While waiting for a friend trying on clothes I noticed that the bench in the fitting room has fabric around it. This must have been dipped in glued and hand molded to create these folds. I also love the pillows. I’m in the process of collecting bright fabric to make my own pillows for a revamp of my living room. All of the above photos were taken using instagram on my iPhone.

Bench for waiting in the fitting room                


 Owls seem to be 'in'.

I really think I could move right into the store. Would they mind? It always smells heavenly. I’m a sucker and even bought their candles in the hope of having a bit of Anthropologie at home.

 I want this lamp. Made in France

 Maybe with less pillows

I fell for this purple sofa

All photos: easelart/Eileen R.
Thanks to Eileen from easelart for blogging today. This marks the end of this summer's guest posts. Next time it will be me again (more tanned).

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