Tuesday 24 May 2011

Book tree

 Here is your chance to turn your living room into a forrest where your books become the leaves of a tree. (The young man is optional.) The shelves are designed by French artisan designer Oliver Dollés who is based in Paris. I've seen them and they are very well made.

All photos: nicolascordia


  1. I wonder if they ship!

  2. This is great. What a coincidence. Sebastian Errazuriz, a Chilean artist, also does bookshelves and sculptures. Check him out on my site at http://www.themodernsybarite.com/search/label/Sebastian%20Errazuriz

    I love your blog!

    a bientot

  3. @Minhzie: Good question but I don't know, but I why not if you ask politely.

  4. @the modern sybarite: Thanks so much for sharing, I love Sebastian Errazuriz' sculptures! He and Oliver Dollés are brothers in spirit. It's a small world after all!


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