Saturday 9 April 2011

Istanbul was Constantinople

I fell in love with the designs from Turkish design duo Autoban when I first discovered them in 2004 in Wallpaper magazine. If you have been following my blog you know that I like visiting Turkey from time to time. So today we are going to see how Seyhan Özdemir and Sefer Çağlar, the two designers behind Autoban, live in Istanbul. I love hanging out in Istanbul and I am sure you will, too.
Initially, this post was a guest post contribution but when it was not picked up I decided to post it here on European Chic as you would surely want to see this amazing flat.

Greetings from the birthday girl! It is a beautiful day to celebrate today.

All images: AT Casa Italia


  1. Bon anniversaire, sweet Anna! So is your birthday today, 9 April? I need to know ☺. Ooh, this place is just fabulous. Too cool to have children living there, that's for sure! J x

  2. Happy birthday for yesterday!! What a beautiful place, so envious!


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