Tuesday 1 March 2011

German Impressions VII

 We visited the beautiful city of Heidelberg in Germany, seat of one of the oldest universities in the world. I had promised to my favourite Australian reader J. that I would take photos.
As you can see it was a glorious winter day: sunny and crisp and there were people from all over the world up and about. In fact, it was as cosmopolitan as in downtown Paris (if this is a valid comparison), also due to the U.S. armed forces which are still present in the area.
Have you been to Heidelberg? I can highly recommend it.

 The old castle overlooking the city and the river.

 These cakes were offered everywhere and very yummy! I must look for a recepies online.

All photos: European Chic


  1. Oh, Anna, you gorgeous girl! A million thanks. I adore seeing the place again. I treasured my visit there - it really is one of the prettiest around. Imagine going to university there - that would be a treat! J x

  2. Wirklich schöne Bilder aus Heidelberg.Sogar die Sonne scheint.
    Gruß aus HH


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