Friday 18 February 2011

Cottage with a view

 Welcome to the Lubéron! From this terrasse you have an amazing view of Provence. This cottage measures a total of 38 m2. and would be totally big enough for me. Isn't it the cutest cottage ever? As you probably already figured out I am very keen on small cottages and flats (it must have something to do with living in Paris). They are much more challenging to decorate and I love a challenge like no one.

I think I mentioned before that you have to click on the post title and then scroll to the end of the post in order to comment.

All photos: Marie Claire Maison France


  1. This place takes my breath away - so beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. We've been going on holiday here for years - it's perfect, believe me

    as is the owner's other amazing 'bastide" property in the same olive grove!

    If you look at my top link you will see the gorgeous pool in front of the cabanon, nothing beats breakfast there followed my a morning swim!

  3. Whish I had a summer house like that in the Lubéron.....


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