Saturday 29 January 2011

Green with envy

Photo: Nuovo Estilo Espagne

I am really into green lately. Both as an accent colour and the main colour. There are so many shades I like.
Do you like green in your home? Why/why not? (Now you can actually share your opinion in the new comment section)

Photo: Living at Home magazine

Photo: VTwonen

 Where can I find one for myself? I love it!
Photo: Marie Claire Maison
I imagine lying in this bed must feel like being back in the womb. (I've read that we unconsciously always look for this place.)

Photo: VTwonen


  1. Ah, Anna, such a gorgeous collection. The top wall is my favourite with the filing cabinet a close second. Sigh. J x

  2. That paper mobile in the top picture reminds me of a florist I went into in Paris - stunning!

  3. Nice Blog Anna,but why aren't the tags on the main page. It's much nicer :-)

  4. Ah... yes, green in the home, a must! Nice blog, Anna!!


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