Monday 8 November 2010

Artsy things to do in Paris this week

A European Chic reader, E. from Canada, contacted me as she will be in Paris next week, so I thought that I recommend the exhibitions we went to last week.

Musée des Arts Décoratifs (in the Louvre):

Mobi Boom: l’explosion du design en France (1945–75)
23 September 2010–2 January 2011

This exhibition explores the prodigious renaissance in furniture design in France from 1945 to 1975, in its creation, amnufacturing and marketing. The advent of new materials – foams, plastics, elastic meshes and Formica – prompted the emergence of new furniture catering to the needs of a comfort-conscious clientele.

The contribution of new talents, including Pierre Paulin, Olivier Mourgue, André Fermigier and Roger Tallon, and the importance of the design manufacturers, retailers and publishers (Roche-Bobois, Roset and Mobilier International) are explored in depth.

La Belle Epoque de Jules Chéret. De l’affiche au décor

24 June 2010–7 November 2010

Les Arts Décoratifs is organising the first exhibition retracing the history of contemporary fashion, in two parts. The project began last autumn with the publication of ‘An Ideal History of Contemporary Fashion’, and is continuing in a different dimension with two consecutive exhibitions. The first of this “two-volume” historic and selective retrospective of fashion will cover the 70s and 80s, the second the 90s and 2000s.

Don't forget that Paris Photo starts on the 18th November. The spotlight will be on Central Europe this year. Yay!

I also added a new column on the right hand side with 'Paris Resources' which will hopefully be useful for those of you planning of visiting Paris or living around here. Check it out!

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