Saturday 25 September 2010

Italian impressions II

Dear Friend, today I will take you on a walk on Via Santa Sabina on the Aventino in Rome.

When a was young I used to come up here because it was a calm part of Rome and, at the end of the road was something breathtakingly beautiful.

The Maltese Order at the end of the street. Isn't it a beautiful building? There used to be no one but nowadays this little secret must have made is way into the Lonely Planet or Rough Guide. There were lots of tourists under the watchful eye of the fit young men from the Italian military.

At the door of the Maltese Order there is the letter box and if you look though the keyhole....... see a perfect miniature 'painting' of Rome with the dome of San Pietro in the centre.

These snapshots do no justice as the keyhole is too small for the camera lens. So you have to go yourself next time you are in Rome!

Thanks for joining me on the field trip today. I am going to the park around the corner now and enjoy this view.

All photos: European Chic

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