Tuesday 10 August 2010

Haithabu Viking living

This is a very special post. Today I am going to show truly European interiors - like it existed 1100 years ago. Yes, that´s right. Haithabu was the largest and most important commercial center in Northern Europe between 900 and 1100. Today this viking settlement it is an outdoor museum located in Northern Germany near the Danish border.

The main road in the city.


Another living/dining/bedroom. The beds are more comfortable than they look.

The cabinetmaker's house.

Weaving studio.

The kitchen.
The oven works and, apparently, a group of archaeology students prepared a roast in the same amount of time it would have taken in a modern oven.

The village seen from the harbour.

The harbour. From here goods were shipped all over the (old) world.

Fishermen equipment.

All photos: European Chic

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